
Arise Technology Co., Ltd

主营:LED Display、LED显示屏、R...

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Arise Technology Co., Ltd
企业等级: 普通会员
所在地区: 广东 深圳
联系卖家:    QQ在线咨询1327078259
公司官网: www.ariseled.co...

Arise Technology Co., Ltd?

发布时间:2015-01-06 00:32:49        

Arise Technology Co., Ltd is a high-tech company dedicated in providing professional LED displays and comprehensive optoelectronic soluti***. 
Arise Technology owns strong execution, brilliant development strategies and programs, sustainable creation based on market demand. We spare no effort to provide customers with market-oriented innovative products with good reliability, suitable soluti*** and all-round service. Arise’s main products includes indoor and outdoor LED displays for fix installation, indoor and outdoor LED displays for rental business, stadium perimeter LED displays, and other special LED displays in accordance with customized requirements; LED display control system, related optoelectronic equipment, LED devices and components. We are ready to providing LED display soluti*** for oversea and domestic advertisement media, building advertising and lighting, municipal administration, hospital, hotel, bank, traffic, sports, entertainment, show, exhibition, etc.
We Arise Technology rega*** integrity in company staff, customers and suppliers as the enterprise foundati***, market demands as the guide. We guarantee quality with profession and dedication and use enterprise culture to fill our brand. We keep striving, forging ahead, creating to provide customer with strong and unremitting support and backup.

供应***各地LED显示屏P1.8P1.9 P2.5 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7.62 P8.9 P10 P12 P16 P20 P25 P31.25 LED全彩显示屏LED大屏幕LED广告屏Arise Technology Co., Ltd

Supply LED displays:Arise Technology Co., Ltd 
Ariana   Email:sales16@ariseled.com、ariseled16@gmail.com  
Web:http://www.ariseled.com/  ***:1327078259  Skype:ariseled16

Supply LED displays:供应LED显示屏 深圳市冬青光电有限公司
户外固定安装LED显示屏Outdoor Fix Installation LED Display :P6、P8、P10(DIP)、P10(***D)、P12、P16、P20、P25
户内固定安装LED显示屏 Indoor Fix Installation LED Display :P1.8、P2.5、P3、P4、P5、P6、P7.62、P8、P10
户外租赁LED显示屏Outdoor Rental LED Display :P6、P6.94、P8、P8.9、P10
户内租赁LED显示屏Indoor Rental LED Display :P2.5、P3、P4、P5、P6、P7.62
球场围圈LED显示屏Perimeter LED Display :P12、P16

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Arise Technology Co., Ltd




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地址: 主营产品:LED Display、LED显示屏、Rental LED Display 、Outdoor LED Display、Perimeter LED Display 、LED显示屏、LED全彩电子屏、LE

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